Sound Healing Mindfulness Meditation
1 hr
Sound Healing and mindfulness. You will learn and experience the benefits. Some of which include Stress reduction, reduced anxiety and depression, pain reduction, improve relationships, improve health and wellbeing. A Immersive experience connecting you back to your own natural energetic rhythm through visualisation, sound, scent and Reiki. Vibration is felt through the body, as reiki is channeled throughout the session in a group setting with a hands off approach.
High healing frequency is felt at a cellular level, using solfeggio sounds, crystal bowls and gong. Incredibly effective in rebalancing the body through a relaxing experience to help us feel more grounded.
121 Yoga Session
1hr Session
Embrace the present moment through breathing exercises. Faster pace, yoga. Quick paced movements to strengthen the nervous system,Promotes deep and even breathing.
Train your mind to induce a mode of consciousness to reach inner peace.
Mindfulness Based Cognitive therapy
1 hr Session
What is it?
MBCT is based on the earlier therapy of MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) and was originally created as a relapse prevention treatment for individuals with major depressive disorders.
It combines mindfulness techniques like meditation, breathing exercises and stretching, with elements from cognitive therapy to help break the negative thought patterns that are characteristic of recurrent depression
What conditions is it helpful for?
MBCT is particularly helpful for those at risk of recurrent depression. It teaches people to pay attention to the present moment, rather than worrying about the past or the future, and to let go of the negative thoughts that can tip them over into depression. It also gives people a greater awareness of their own body, helping them to identify the signs of oncoming depression and ward off the episode before it starts.
MBCT is also beneficial for the following conditions:
Relieving symptoms of stress
Managing emotional distress
Managing physical pain
People can benefit from MBCT whether they have a specific problem or not. We all have times in our lives when we experience difficulty, stress and struggle, and for some of us this is our daily experience.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
1hr Session
What is it?
While short bursts of pressure can help us to rise to meet a challenge, long-term stress can have a major impact on our physical and mental health. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) aims to address prolonged periods of stress, which can lead to poor mental and physical health.
MBSR incorporates techniques such as meditation, gentle movement, mind-body exercises and visualisation to help people learn how to cope with stress. It gives people greater clarity on what is happening in their lives.
What conditions is it helpful for?
MBSR has been shown to be effective for a wide range of conditions, including:
Anxiety, stress, depression
Pain management
Sleep disorders
Irritability/anger management
Confidence building
Emotional upset/distress
Reducing suffering associated with chronic disorders
MBSR is also used positively to improve self-awareness, develop greater focus and clarity and enhance brain function.